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Living Libations Ginger Essential Oil is a warm and wonderful new Ginger offering that is distilled through steam, differing from our classic Ginger Root which is a thicker super-critical extraction. Gregarious Ginger grows underground rhizomes that are an ample source of antioxidants and anodynics to help you get on with life. It is a mainstay of traditional Eastern balancing tonics and historically one of the most trusted and important apothecary herbs. One drop is tasty and warming, adding moxie to culinary creations and beloved of bellies. Add another drop to a salve or balm to ease the tightness and tensions of everyday life or inspiring, spicy inhalations.
Family Name: Zingiberaceae
Extraction Method: Steam distilled
Part of Plant Distilled: Rhizome
Country of Origin: Madagascar
Cultivation Method: Organic
Composition: 100% Zingiber officinale
Consistency: Thin viscosity
Scent Description: A warm, spicy aroma with a rooty dry-down. It is used as toner in perfumes, Eastern bouquets, spice accords, incense bouquets, and florals in trace amounts.
Blends well with: Grapefruit, Bergamot, Blood Orange, Green Lemon, Clove, Cinnamon, Turmeric, Black Pepper, Jasmine, Carnation, and Ylang.
Uses: Always dilute to use in baths and on skin. Aromatherapy blends for muscle-melting massages, and as a liniment. Culinary oil to be enjoyed in soups, sauces, desserts, and dressings; loved as a lozenge with honey. Beloved of bellies.
Constituents: Effective 6-gingerol and 6-shogaol.
Hippocrates famously said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” He could have been referring to gallant Ginger as it is beloved around the world as a culinary-apothecary treasure. Drops of Ginger can be added to teas, lozenges, pastries, salads, and an array of savory sensations for bodies that need some soothing heat.
Essential oil constituents vary by where the plant is grown, and ginger grown in the tropical lowland forest of Madagascar contains a whopping 194 plant constituents, including a wealth of redness-reducing and growth-suppressing 6-gingerol and 6-shogaol. The rhizome harvest takes place between June and July. After drying, the rhizomes are steam-distilled to produce the essential oil.