Rosemary Verbenone Essential Oil
Rosemary Verbenone Essential Oil

Rosemary Verbenone Essential Oil

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Refreshing Rosemary Verbenone Essential Oil is an inspiring, invigorating oil that is known as the "rose of the sea." It is gentler and even more suited to sensitive skin care than classic Rosemary officinalis. Vitalizing verbenone sings to the clarity of your skin as its masterful molecules put a verve in your step so you can begin.

Botanical Name: Rosmarinus officinalis verbenone
Botanical Name: Lamiaceae
Extraction Method: Steam distilled
Part of Plant Distilled: Leaves and flowers
Country of Origin: Corsica
Cultivation Method: Organic
Composition: 100% Rosmarinus officinalis verbenone
Consistency: Thin
Scent Description: Herbaceous and fresh with delicate, subtle notes of camphor.
Blends well with: Sandalwood, Black Spruce, Cumin, Sage, Fennel, Lavender, Bergamot, Hyssop, Grapefruit, Seabuckthorn, Inula, Thyme, Fennel, Mastic, Frankincense, and Lemon.
Uses: Skin serums and body oils. Its moisturizing power makes it perfect for dry scalp and thirsty skin. Potent breath freshener.

A favorite oil of everyone, from the ancient Greeks to Hungarian royalty, the Verbenone variety of Rosemary is herbaceous camphorous grace for body, breathing, and face. This strain of refreshing Rosemary is less stimulating and energizing than the officialis variety, though it has mysterious ability to revitalize the mind and spirit. Rosemary Verbenone Essetial Oil is said to boost focus and optimism while giving clarity to thoughts of the future.

"This oil [Rosemary verbenone] has been recognized for its usefulness for skin care formulas."
~ Kurt Schnaubelt, The Intelligence of Essential Oils